Sacred Imagery
I have been making icons for over 30 years, having studied 13th century Moscow school tradition with Vladislav Andreyev for 14 of those years. I don’t advertise or solicit for sacred work, but have accepted commissions from churches and private collectors. In the early 90’s I also made watercolors depicting biblical scenes, some of which also belong to churches or private collectors. These include a series of Stations of the Cross, which immediately follow the icons on this page. Other watercolors available for purchase are identified in the text as “available”.
I have made this work because I wanted to learn to think symbolically, archetypally and multiculturally. Iconography has helped me do this. For me it is first and foremost a spiritual discipline. What I learn from and admire in sacred images around the world is that many of them share the same vocabulary for elements in them. Created light and uncreated light, line used as spiritual energy and spiritual intelligence are some examples of common ground.
For some years I kept these images separate from my general body of work, but I now think it makes more sense to include them. I am a painter, an iconographer, and for many years I have been a spiritual director for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. I no longer think I have separate jobs. Rather I have one life, with art and faith intertwined.